About Jesus 4 Ever LLC

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About Us
Hi, my name is Gertrude Pollard Watts and I am honored to share with you who I am as a believer in Jesus Christ and how this company came into existence. I was born and raised in Evans, Georgia and accepted Jesus Christ into my life at an early age. Through the years of being a servant in the church, I began to teach adult Sunday School for many years. My interest in learning about God grew more and lead me to further my education. I obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Christian Studies, as well as a Masters’ degree in Christian studies with emphasis in Pastoral Ministry, from Grand Canyon University. A year later, I enrolled back into college, to earn a Doctor of Education (Ed. D) degree in Organizational Leadership with emphasis in Christian Ministry, but God had other plans for me.
I answered the call from God and became a writer/ author who writes Christian faith base and inspirational books. My first book , “Growing Your Ministry God’s Way: Using Your Spiritual Gifts,” was published in 2017 and republished in 2019. “Growing Your Ministry God’s Way Workbook: Using Your Spiritual Gifts,” were also published in 2019. Not only did God bless me to be a writer, but also He revealed to me a divine image of His humanity and diviness that will be the face/brand of my career and ministry for his glory. Lead by the Holy Spirit, God also wanted me to use this platform to inspire others to “Plant a seed in a charity that is giving Water to those who thirst around the World.” On every book that is written by me and products that are made, when possible, one will see that phrase on it because we know that water is one way of symbolizing the Word of God, which he provides for our spiritual and physical needs.
God still had other plans for me. Lead by the Holy Spirit, in 2019 "About Jesus 4 Ever, LLC was born, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. It’s a company that is aimed to make a positive impact in the lives of others nationwide (mind, body, soul, spirit) by sharing biblical and inspiring messages on products that gives people hope... About Jesus 4 Ever, LLC also believes in giving back and being a blessing to others as God blesses them, and making a difference in the world because we know it’s about Jesus forever and his love.
In my spare time I love spending time with my family, bike riding, walking in the park, gardening, cooking and meditate upon the Word of God. But guess what…God still has other plans for the company that remain to be seen in the future, and to God be the Glory!