About Jesus 4 Ever LLC

​Human and D​ivine
(Spreading ​the Gospel of Jesus Christ)​
*Where there is Hope... there is God. Have a Blessed Day.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Hi, welcome to "About Jesus 4 Ever," website! We are a company that is centered around sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ through biblical context on products, that is geared towards making a positive impact in the lives of others. "About Jesus 4 Ever," expresses the love of God and his Salvation for all (John 3:16), and brings hope in the lives of people through inspiring messages." About Jesus 4 Ever" also stresses the importance of having a Personal Relationship with God in faith and allow him to be the head of our life as He renew our mind, body, soul and spirit... So again, we welcome you and please check out our impactful products! And, don't forget to share your experience with your family and friends. Remember, whether you are having good or hard times in your life we or opened 24/7 nationwide because we care, and we are here for you!
Products that Impact the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit
Products that Impact the Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit
Marked Down Prices on Selected Items!
Marked Down Prices on Selected Items!
Bible Verse Products
Mission Statement
Mission Statement
No matter what ethnicity, creed, age, gender, or background we are all made in the image of God, (Genesis 1:27). That’s why we strive to bring to our customers products that make a positive impact in their lives through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
"Please plant a seed in a Charity that is giving Water to those who thirst around the World."